Thursday, August 31, 2006


I started reading 'The Irresistible Revolution' by Shane Claiborne. Bjones has stressed to me that I have to read this book. I'm not huge on reading but if I can find time, I enjoy it. I tend to fall asleep when I read I can already tell I'm gonna love this book though. He seems to relate to me on a lot of different levels. It's so funny because Shane has an almost exact look in dress as Clayton. Some people would make fun of Clayton cause he dresses weird and thinks outside the box but when Shane does it...he's genious...hmmm...

I also got my hands on a book called '101 Ways to Reach Your Community'. Shawna gave it to me and i'm very intrigued by it. I looked through the book before the service last night. It's not a novel but it's very straightforward and informational.

Tonight Woody, Zack and I played at New Life Fellowship. My buddy Cody called me Monday night and said they needed a band. It was kinda short notice but it really doesn't matter with us. I feel like me and Woody could probably hit the stage with no practice if we HAD to. I'm a huge believer in practicing as much as possible but me and Woody know each others every move so we can be versatile if needed.

So tomorrow should be a cool day. I have a route that I mainly drive thru alleys and I'll be going to meet Barina at his school to eat lunch. He really got hooked up working as a gym teacher at a brand new elementary school in Dallas. I hope the Lord continues to bless him...he's been down a tough road and he's a great guy.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

All at Once

There are certain people you just keep coming back to
She is right in front of you
You begin to wonder could you find a better one
Compared to her now she's in question

And all at once the crowd begins to sing
Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same

Maybe you want her, maybe you need her
Maybe you started to compare to someone not there

Looking for the right one you line up the world to find
Where no questions cross your mind
But she won't keep on waiting for you without a doubt
Much longer for you to sort it out

And all at once the crowd begins to sing
Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same

Maybe you want her, maybe you need her
Maybe you started to compare to someone not there
Maybe you want it, maybe you need it
Maybe it's all you're running from
Perfection will not come

And all at once the crowd begins to sing
We'd never know what's wrong without the pain
Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same


I always thought this song was a catchy tune and then one day I was listening to the lyrics and realized how powerful they were. Maybe not to everyone...but to me. There is so much mystery in this song. It reminds me of my life, the choices i've made and the direction it's headed.

Who is the crowd? Who is she? What is being compared?

What a mystery....

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Ramm is tonight. Our weekly bible study. This week our passage of scripture came from Deuteronomy 17:14-20. One specific question arose from my deep studying of this scripture. How much do I really fear the Lord? We talk about Grace and Mercy and how God forgives and will forgive time and time again. But when you talk about all those things, does the Word of The Lord really put a fear inside of me? I really have to look more into this...

So this week unexpectedly turns a new chapter in my life. It's crazy how that works and funny how deceptive life can be (or the people in it). It's just not so funny how much it hurts. But what can ya do....but write a new chapter.

So long, so long

-Chris Carrabba

Monday, August 28, 2006

What a Day

So today, I honestly decided i'm actually going to start using this blog on a daily basis. Why else should i have one, right?

Work was definitely a tough go today. It rained the minute I stepped out of my truck to start the route until I read my last meter. I had a raincoat and my clothes stayed dry but my shoes and hat were soaked. The whole day raised a question in my mind...would i rather work in 105 degree heat or in pouring rain. I guess i'd go with pouring rain but it definitely slows me down way more than the heat does.

This past weekend was pretty awesome (besides the half of it that was a bit deceiving). Friday I saw Invincible with B1, B2 and Johnny. I thought it was a really good movie...not top 10...but very good. Saturday me and B2 went to Ameriquest Field for the Season ticket holders banquet. Buck (Allen) couldn't or didn't want to go and he hooked us up. I got some player autographs: Kevin Millwood, Buck Showalter, Josh Rupe, Steve Smith and legend Mike Munoz. Another legend named possibly named Bill Stein but I'm still not sure. I didn't have the nerve to ask the guy what his name was! lol! That night we (B1, B2, Lacy, Courtney, my sis and Megan) watched the Cowboy game and went to eat at Joe's Crabshack. After that I went to Courtney's and watched the rest of Ladder 49 (we didn't finish it the night before). Great movie but just ended in a sad way. Sucks when you don't get the happy ending. Maybe it was a sign of what was to come for me. Maybe that's why she cried so bad during the movie. Sunday church was great and Dal brought the house down like usual but maybe even took it to another level. He talked of Salvation and the change that usually doesn't happen after and a little about what the real change should look like. We sang Fire Fall Down and he read the lyrics before he started talking.

You bought my life with the
Blood that You shed on the cross
When You died for the sins of men
And You let out a cry
Crucified now alive in me

These hands are Yours
Teach them to serve as You please
And I'll reach out desperate to see
All the greatness of God
May my soul rest assured in You

You changed it all
You broke down the wall
When I spoke and confessed
In You I'm blessed
Now I walk in the light
In victorious sight of You

The lyrics challenge me in a way that most Worship songs do not. Do I have the urgency and desperation to see the greatness of God that I should? I feel like I do have that sense of urgency but it's often followed with an overwhelming amount of discouragement. I need a couple of people who have that same sense of's tough sometimes.

So the band I was attempting to be a part of I think has pretty much dissolved. Some people just never change and it's really sad to see. I really thought this band would work but it turned out to be the same selfish problems that occured in Fidelity and caused that break up. I'm cool with it though because I really feel like God's called me to work more in the community and a band would take away from that. I'm not interested in fame anyway and that's really what you kinda strive for in that. There are other ways to have a huge effect in the community.

Deuteronomy 17:14-20 ( Scripture for Ramm for tomorrow night)

Monday, August 14, 2006

Wondering What's Next

So i've given up on trying to forecast my life cause it seems God is always pointing me in these different directions. For a long time I thought that TXU was where God wanted me and I had peace with that. But after a dreadful summer (that hasn't yet ended) and running into a friend at Chick-fil-a, it seems God has some new plans. New job? School? It seems inevitable because God's voice is getting pretty dang loud.

So it's time I start making up for mistakes and lost time. Lately God has made it clear that I need to be making a better effort in reaching out to the community. We had a meeting last Sunday night about it to let everyone know what was on my mind. It sparked a lively discussion and a great opportunity to hear everyones thoughts. God has made it clear that He wants to be a leader or even THE leader in Community Outreach. I feel such a strong sense of urgency and I am so excited to see what God has planned for our community.