The Death of Twitter
Today will officially be the day that I soured on Twitter. At what I felt like was its highest peak, I was the biggest supporter of Twitter. It changed the way we live and, in my opinion, was a helper in building relationships. Even relationships that had been established for years (of course I’m speaking of platonic relationships). But I am saddened at what Twitter has become. Very cluttered. I was reading trending topics last night and someone would include a trending topic in their tweet that also included a web link that was selling their product. I kind of giggled at first but then sensed the shift of what Twitter is headed to. Twitter has also (naturally and unsurprisingly) a place to push religious and political beliefs. A place for ‘Christians’, like vultures, to take the high road at every opportunity. I had such high hopes for Twitter. A place to share pictures, build relationships and experience life together. Obviously, the things I complain about on Twitter are all a part of life. Unfortunately, it couldn’t become the escape from the madness. Is there any place to let your hair down and relax in the world of social networking? Don’t count on it. There will be the next big thing in social networking. A group of free-thinking, easy going people will start a revolution…then the vultures will gut it. My prediction? Twitter won’t see 2012. Oh, it’ll still be there much like MySpace. But it will be like a ghost town.