Nothing Like a Good Crowd Surf
Danah Lee
There's no forgetting about it. I think about her everyday and miss her like crazy. She was a 2nd Mom to my biological Number 1 (who is amazing). I can't imagine how much Dean and the kids miss her...they were all so unbelievably close. I pray the Lord shows us the meaning of all this.
1 Corinthians 7:25-40
Now here is a passage of scripture that will get you thinking. The American Dream involves getting married, buying a house and having children but after reading this, it seems as if there is a cost. All these things are definitely NOT sin but the cost is interest being divided from the things of the Lord. There's plenty of awesome men of God who followed the American Dream and still did amazing things for God but it has to be the toughest road and require a strong, devout man of God. I think Paul tries to hint at what is best for us but also reiterates that he is not putting a restraint on us or saying that he thinks marriage is wrong. He's just trying to save us a little grief. This definitely won't be the last time I research or meditate on this scripture.
We Need Prayer
I want to see huge things happen in our church. I want to see lives changed and I want to see young adults pushing forward and our leaders have sense of urgency. I think God spoke to me last week while I was in Oklahoma and said "It starts with you". I realize that I have to start praying for the church more and I have to start studying the Bible more intensely. I feel like there are things wrong in my life and there are some things that are being neglected in my heart. At the same time I feel like there is a limited sense of urgency in our church and not enough influence coming from our demographic. My spirit feels so disturbed due to all of this and it feels like one of those situations where you have to find the solution NOW and that time is running short. In my life there has been times where i'm so focused on everything and everybody else and go insane and make stupid decisions. But I have to slow down. I have to focus on myself, pray that God speaks to others in the church and God will start paving the way.
I Took a Dive
I'm not going to go into too much detail but camp last week was crazy awesome. Ryan Keeney is definitely one of the most awesome guys I know. Chris, D.J., Steven, Christian, Brandon and guys rock and I freakin miss the mattress jousting. Opening up for SDS and the kids yelling so loud I couldn't hear after we played 'One Way/Take It All' was priceless. Being able to hear God's voice clearly was much needed. I don't know what it is about that camp but God does amazing things. Speaking of amazing things let's not forget the amazing things God is doing through Drew. He's no doubt following God's voice in what to do with our week of camp. Thursday night we had a time of Worship and Celebration of what God did. For the first time in my life I was stage divin and crowd surfin. I wasn't the only one either. As I surfed the crowd I looked back to see Zak and Drew behind me! That night of celebration had to be like no other in the history of that camp. I loved being part of a service where no one held back in Worship and no one worried about what their friends were thinking. Props to those kids who were loud and crazy about God.