I called, you answered
And you came to my rescue
And I want to be where you are
A little less than 2 months ago I was introduced to Hillsong United. These guys have some of the best worship I've heard in 3 years and it blows Passion out of the water. Don't get me wrong I LOVE passion but these guys are genious song writers both in music and lyrics. I love this song "Came to the Rescue". To me it paints a picture of what happens following salvation. We cry out to Him lost and alone and he sweeps us into his arms. It seems every moment after, we would want to be where He is. This song challenged me knowing that a lot of the time I am not where The God of Israel is...the One who rescued me. I just pray that God would sanctify me and would put His hand over the things I've screwed up and the people I've wronged. I want so bad to be transformed. It's one thing to SAY you're sorry and another to SHOW you have changed.
In my life be lifted high
In my world be lifted high
In my love be lifted high
So I think I'm ready to pitch my community outreach ideas. I'll need some help with creative details but I'm convinced it'll be effective. We were talking at Bible study the other night and a whataburger marathon idea came up. A group of 5-10 would hang out at Whataburger for 24 hours and anyone that comes in during that 24 hour period would receive a free apple pie. The creative part would be figuring out exactly what to do besides just hangin out and talkin to people. But i'm sure we can come up with some activities and stuff to do in the parking lot. Maybe we can set up a table and Bro Dal could sign If ya got ideas shoot them my way. We think this would be an amazing way to reach out to the community.
So I bet you're wonderin what the heck that title is for at the top. Beitshalom is translated 'House of Peace'. This is the name of the new band I am a part of. We've been practicing since the last week of May and hope to be ready for a show this Fall. For now we've been writing new music and worshipping the Lord at various churches. Rex will be playing the drums. Rex is an amazing guy who has been studying the Jewish culture and goin to a Messianic Synagogue for the past 4 months. He has a great heart for the Lord and knows the Bible like the back of his hand. Dustin (guitar) a longtime friend who i've enjoyed writing and rock and rollin with since we met about 6 years ago at camp Minnetonka. Clayton (guitar) who I met through this band and is just as great as these other guys. We lack a bassist but are praying for one and looking at different avenues. This band has already changed my life drastically. We'll be hangin out practicing and before you know it we're out on the porch in a deep bible study and discussion. When I'm with these guys no matter what we're doing I feel the Holy Spirit working. Something that I sometimes don't even feel in a worship service. We backed Paul up last night for a service at The Oaks Fellowship in Red Oak. It was a great experience...a little bit out of our element but honestly I feel like we adapt well. It was so awesome to see people in a WEDNESDAY night service raising their hands to God and singing with all they had. I felt the spirit in a moment that I least expected it. Amazing...