Monday, February 05, 2007

The Next Jack Nicklaus

Some New Inspiration

There is going to be a huge change in CD selection this week while driving in my car. The change will include fairly new releases of the following bands:

Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
The Killers
My Chemical Romance
John Mayer
Jack's Mannequin

I'm really into the new stuff '30 Seconds to Mars' is putting out there. Hopefully i'll be able to pick up their new CD soon.

Would This Be So Weird?

I wish I could know exactly what a relationship between a guy and a girl was supposed to look like. Every relationship i've been in so far has failed and sometimes failed miserably. So i've been wondering what are some different approaches that could be taken. Should a couple be married before they even get married? Should the guy have to check with his g/f to see if it's ok if he hangs out when they're not even engaged? Should they have to see each other everyday? What if a guy and girl didn't kiss until the second after he asked her to marry him? Can you know if she's the ONE without kissing her? These are some kind of difficult questions and go completely against how society functions...but is that such a bad thing?

A High of 62 Degrees Means...

Golf! Brad and I went golfing today. Lately it has been SO cold and snowy and rainy. Impossible conditions for golf. So today was a perfect day for a round at Creekview in Crandall, TX. The first 9 holes didn't go so well as Brad shot a 52 and myself a 48. But the back 9 proved to be reason that we both should be considered for club pros at area golf courses in Dallas. Brad shot a 40 and myself a 38! I've never shot in the 30s for 9 holes so that was exciting!