Saturday, September 09, 2006

You Are Kidding Me
News Report
Music Video

I really can't put it into'll just have to watch.

"We can do no great things, just small things with great love. It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into doing it"

-Mother Teresa

I never really paid much attention to Mother Teresa. Maybe because I was brought up to think that all religions other than Baptist are pretty much wrong and the people misguided. I'm coming to find out that she was a follower of Jesus and i'm convinced that Jesus would take her as a disciple over most Baptist. This all sounds pretty harsh of me. I know i'm really downing that Baptist religion but i've been one all my life and I don't like what i've been.

I've been praying a lot lately about community outreach and it seems every Matt Chandler sermon I listen to is geared towards my dream. Also me reading The Irresistible Revolution couldn't have come at a more perfect time. I always read in the morning and I am so overwhelmed with emotion. I can feel my thought process changing by the minute and I just pray The Lord continues the transformation of my life. Matt asked a very good question in one of his sermons. What if we attacked the culture of no porches and HUGE backyards? It was crazy he said that because me and Brad had been discussing what kind of house we'd want to rent in our community and decided we needed a huge porch.

On a personal note: I thank The Lord for all he's done, what he's put me through and the amazing things he is going to do. I know that the desert is coming for me. I know that I need some serious time with God so he can speak tenderly to my heart. I'm so ready for it and i'm so thankful for the peace he's already put in my heart and the happiness in my life.

Found love beyond all reason
You gave Your life Your all for me
And called me Yours forever