Monday, September 04, 2006

That's What I'm Talking About!

That's What I'm Talking About! That's What I'm Talking About! That's What I'm Talking About! That's What I'm Talking About!

-Grizzly Man

I am so freakin pumped up right now. I see where we are lacking. I see the need for change. I feel the spirit speaking loudly that the time has come. It's not tomorrow or next week or some future date that we know will never come. There's no more talking about it and there's no more dreaming of what's to come. It's happening and you better be ready.

Last night Matt Chandler said something that really put my life in a stop down and brought tears to my eyes. I can't remember the exact quote. I'll have to wait until the sermon is available for Podcast. But he said something to the affect of "why are we romanticizing about the past when it really wasn't that great to begin with." Lately i've been thinking about the past two years and all I can think of are the great memories. It's like I convince myself I can never be that happy again. But was I really that happy? I'm starting to realize there's something amazing on the horizon and the fruits of our labor will never come to pass if we keep looking back and marveling on past relationships or how God has blessed us instead of what he has planned and is going to do.

I wish I could quit my job. I feel like there's so much to do and so little time. I feel like i'm wasting my time making money just so I can have a nice car, eat at expensive restaurants (i'm talking about any place you are served) and wear clothes that are continually acceptable to our society. Not to mention the rediculous amount of money i spend just to drive to work (probably $150 a month). I think it's time for somewhat of a lifestyle change. I have no clue what that looks like but i'm waiting for God to show me.