Sunday, January 22, 2006

What God is Calling me to

Whats up everyone!!

The other day I was contemplating starting to post in Xanga again. So I asked myself the question why would I want to start to post again? Why would I post in the first place? What good had it done in the past? When I started analyzing all those questions, I realized that Xanga had become something of a selfish nature. Now I am not saying that Xanga, MySpace, Facebook, Etc. are sites that are made only for selfish reasons. But in my life that is what it seemed when stepping back and investigating the situation.

About 95% of my job is spent by myself and I have plenty of thoughts run through my head. Lately I have been searching my own heart and asking God to reveal things to me. I have so many questions for God and often have so many doubts. But God is faithful and when you genuinely seek and ask him he will answer you 100% of the time.

So when these two thoughts converged, (1. I want to start a web blog that isn't selfish. 2. God is revealing things to me.) I decided that I wanted to share the things that God was revealing to me. A web blog that isn't about me. Hopefully this will be refreshing and speak to the hearts of those who read it. My main focus is wanting to impact the lives of our youth and I feel like God is calling me to challenge them as I am deeply challenged by God in my own life.

This is a new beginning.

Lord, break my heart and make it new with your ground breaking revelations.